We believe that Christian camps should not only introduce people to the gospel, but also connect them with the local church.
When Christians meet together, Christ is there among us (Mt 18:20; 1 Cor 3:16). We are called to meet with one another for fellowship, mutual encouragement, and accountability. We are called to worship together, to open the Scriptures together, and to break bread with one another. It is in those sacred practices that Christ is revealed among us (Luke 24:13-35). Scripture tells us that the Church is the body of Christ and we need one another to each bring our unique gifts and talents, just as our physical bodies have many parts that make the whole (Romans 12).
GSBC is a part of the Saskatchewan Baptist Association, though we also have strong connections with many other churches around Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba!
See the map below to view our sister SBA churches across the province that support our ministry at GSBC.
Contact us at if you have any questions or want help getting connected!